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Taking Notes during a Virtual Meeting


Our Story

「創新驅動發展,塑造發展新優勢」和「形成強大國內市場,構建新發展格局」「發展是第一要務、人才是第一資源、創新是第一動力」,未來,香港特區政府將積極發揮香港在對接全球創新體系、吸引世界優秀人才等方面的獨特優勢,在人才、專案、資金等科技創新要素跨境流動、科技產業協作、智慧城市建設等方面,與內地進一步深化交流合作,共同打造粵港澳大灣區國際科技創新中心。香港科技協會將引進國外高新技術企業和人才,促進粵港澳大灣區的科技發展。為回應國家和習總書記的號召,構建粵港澳青年創新創業人才智庫,促進粵港澳科創合作,加快建成國際創科中心,香港科技協會將秉承“大灣區高科技人才交流平臺”的宗旨,在會長林志穎先生的帶領下,香港科技協會將攜手來自香港大學、香港中文大學、香港科技大學、香港理工大學、香港城市大學的大學教授、知名專家學者、獲得首屆國家自然科學基金優青專案的香港青年科學家、香港科學園、應用科技研究院和數位港等科研機構主管人員,共同推動香港成為大灣區國際科技創新中心,服務超過 1000 名粵港澳科技工作青年和科技創業青年。

"Innovation drives development and shapes new advantages for progress," and "building a strong domestic market and establishing a new development paradigm." "Development is the top priority, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the foremost driving force." In the future, the Hong Kong SAR Government will actively leverage Hong Kong's unique advantages in integrating with the global innovation system and attracting world-class talent. It will further deepen exchanges and cooperation with the Mainland in areas such as cross-border flow of key elements of technological innovation—talent, projects, and capital—technological and industrial collaboration, and smart city development, jointly creating an international innovation and technology hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. 

The Hong Kong Science and Technology Association will introduce high-tech enterprises and talent from abroad to promote technological development in the Greater Bay Area. In response to the nation's and President Xi Jinping's call, the association will build a talent think tank for youth innovation and entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area, foster collaboration in technological innovation within the region, and accelerate the establishment of an international innovation and technology center. Upholding the mission of being the "Greater Bay Area High-Tech Talent Exchange Platform," under the leadership of President Mr. Jimmy Lin, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Association will join hands with university professors, renowned experts, and scholars from The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and City University of Hong Kong. It will also collaborate with young scientists in Hong Kong who have received the first National Natural Science Foundation Excellent Young Scientists Fund, as well as leaders from research institutions such as Hong Kong Science Park, the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, and Cyberport. Together, they aim to promote Hong Kong as the international technology innovation hub of the Greater Bay Area, serving over 1,000 young technology professionals and entrepreneurs from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau.


( 1 )連接香港各高校及社會優秀科技人才
(2 )增加兩地多方交流,提高科技落地應用轉化率
(3 )科技推動創新,學術轉化為驅動


©2022 by 香港科技協會HK-Tech-Association. 

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